The project consortium of Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub (SEED-Hub) organises its kick-off conference on social entrepreneurship and innovation in care and nursing in the cross-border regions of Slovakia and Austria. The event takes place in Bratislava on the 24th of September 2021.
Networking and Capacity building for better cross-border care and nursing
The SEED-Hub project aims at strengthening cooperation between social entrepreneurs across the Slovakian-Austrian border in order to tackle the challenges of care and nursing with innovative and efficient solutions. Against this background, the kick-off conference on the 24th of September provides a platform for networking and exchange of know-how and experience. In doing so, the conference marks the first step to build a cross-border network for social service providers with a focus on elderly care. The project is primarily addressing social entrepreneurs and social service providers from Trnava, Bratislava, Burgenland (North & central), the City of Vienna and Lower Austria.
About the Conference
The Conference on social entrepreneurship and innovation in care and nursing in the cross-border regions of Slovakia and Austria will address chances and innovations for social enterprises and social service providers in the area of elderly care.
When: Friday, 24th of September 2021 | 9.30 – 15.20 CET
Where: EUBA – Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave (Auditorium), Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava
The conference is a face-to-face event in compliance with all necessary COVID-19 measures. If the epidemiological and legal situation will change, the event will take place online.
Registration: Please register until 13th of September 2021 at
Languages: German, Slovakian (translators are at your disposal, if required)
Agenda: (German)
If you have any further questions regarding the event, please contact:
SEED Hub project
The „Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub“ (SEED-Hub) project aims at supporting social entrepreneurs with tailor-made trainings and establishing a network across the Slovakian-Austrian border. The SEED-Hub addresses social entrepreneurs active in the following areas:
- Education
- Labour market integration
- Environmental protection
- Social service
- Fair trade
- Social housing
- Arts and culture
- Tourism
- IT & telecommunication
- Municipal/communal development
- Human rights
The objective of the SEED-Hub project is to develop a long-term cooperation of social entrepreneurs in the border region between Slovakia and Austria, to facilitate the cooperation and mutual exchange between social enterprises facing similar challenges, and to strengthen cross-border institutional cooperation by mobilising social business partners.
The project is funded by Interreg SK-AT.
The project is implemented by ZSI (Lead partner), Fachhochschule Burgenland, Sociálni inovátori (Social Innovators), University of Economics in Bratislava (Coordinator)
More information about SEED-Hub: