Profound change needs broad support. The EU Danube Strategy aims at facilitating changes in a vast number of policy areas for a sustainable, prosperous, and resilient Danube Region. Hence, the positive effects of the strategy can only come into force, if stakeholders from all partner countries of the Danube Region and from all sectors collaborate for a better future. Thereby, local actors – local, regional, urban administrations, social partners, civil society and academia – play a crucial role in the implementation of the actions and targets of the EU Danube Strategy.


We launched the Danube Local Actors Platform to provide a space for co-creation and dialogue to better address the needs of local actors, share information and knowledge, and strengthen cooperation to improve participation within the EU Danube Strategy and the Danube Region.

The Danube Local Actors Platform (D-LAP) is the advisory and working group of Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation addressing matters related to the cooperation and participation of civil society and local actors.

Targets of the Danube Local Actors Platform

  • Participatory Governance
    We strengthen participatory governance and promote the place-based character of macro-regional strategies that takes into account specific needs of the Danube Region at all levels.
  • Strategic Project Development
    We identify new initiatives that can be jointly developed with civil society organisations and local actors in the Danube Region.
  • Capitalisation
    We identify synergies and build on best practices that are applicable at macro-regional level in the Danube Region.
  • Funding
    We define needs for funding and financing schemes for local actors and build capacities for civil society organisations and local actors to get suitable funding.

How do we work?

Policy Recommendations

Policy Recommendations

We develop policy recommendations to all levels of the governance system of the EU Danube Strategy to improve the functioning of the strategy and increase the positive effects of macro-regional cooperation.



Structured Dialogue

Structured Dialogue

We promote and support the regular exchange between local actors and the Governance representatives of the EU Danube Strategy in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the strategy through a structured dialogue such as National Participation Days or Danube Participation Days.

Cross-macro-regional Exchange

Macro-regional exchange

We work across macro-regions and support cross-macro-regional exchange to promote cooperation across borders, developing and implementing participatory governance in territorial strategies as well as advocating for funding instruments for local actors.

Strategic Information

Strategic Information

We share information and updates on strategic decisions and policy developments in the EU Danube Strategy. Likewise, we assess information needs with local actors (on funding, networks etc.) and develop capacity building measures.

Mutual Learning

Mutual Learning

We facilitate the exchange on activities carried out by civil society organisations, local actors and academia to foster mutual learning. Likewise, the platform provides the opportunity to (jointly develop) follow-up initiatives and facilitate monitoring the progress of contributions to strategic actions.


Integration in Annual Fora

Integration in Annual Fora

We advocate for the involvement of civil society organisations, cities and regions in the Annual Fora of the EU Danube Strategy. We believe that that their experiences and perspectives are crucial for sustainable progress in the Danube Strategy.


Membership in the Danube Local Actors Platform

The Danube Local Actors Platform is a platform for representatives from civil society, cities and municipalities, regions, academia, development agencies, and international organisations with a focus on regional cooperation.

The members of the Danube Local Actors Platform (D-LAP) are working towards a more participatory approach in the development and implementation of the EU-Danube Strategy and for policy development and implementation in the Danube Region.


To date, the Danube Local Actors Platform hosts members from 20 different countries, including members from all 14 partner countries of the EU Danube Strategy.

Non-Profit Organisations
Universities & Research Institutions
Municipalities or municipal associations
International Organisations
National or Regional Governments
Regional Development Agencies
Request D-LAP Membership