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Priority Area 10 (PA 10) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) aims at stepping up institutional capacity and cooperation.


In accordance with the EUSDR Action Plan, Priority Area 10 addresses institutional capacity-building at local, regional and national level, involvement of civil society in public governance, increasing local development and better spending as well as increasing absorption rates of EU funds.


Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacities & Cooperation” serves as an information and communication hub for local, regional, national and European stakeholders responsible for as well as working in the field of institutional capacity building, participative governance and spatial development.



EuroAccess is a central online information point on EU funding opportunities in the Macro-Regions. It collects and disseminates data of more than 200 EU funding programmes that operate within the geographical scope of the Macro-Regions.

EuroAccess has supported project ideas in the Danube Region since 2016. Due to the success of the pilot initiative, we have now expanded our service to the following Macro-Regions and their respective Strategies:



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