8th Danube Participation Day
Digitalisation & Participation.
Putting people at the centre of the digital transition
The 8th Danube Participation Day takes place back to back with the 1oth EUSDR Annual Forum on 25th and 26th of October 2021. This year, the Danube Participation Day is dedicated to “Participation & Digitalisation”. The conference will address participatory decision-making and co-design of public services in view of digitalisation and eGovernment.
Day 1 | Monday, 25 October 2021 (Time zone: CET)
9:30 – 10.00 | Accessing the platform |
10.00 – 10.30 | Welcome & Opening Session
10.30 – 10.45 | Introduction Thematic Panels |
10.45 – 11.00 | Coffee Break |
11.00 – 11.30 |
Parallel Panels Panel: Open Government & Transparency
Panel: Co-designing policies
11.30 – 12.30 | Lunch Break |
12.30 – 13.00 |
Parallel Panels Panel: Trust in (e)Government & (e)Participation
Panel: Accessibility & Digital Skills
13.00 – 13.15 | Introduction World Café |
13.15 – 13.40 | World Café Session I
13.40 – 13.50 | Coffee Break |
13.50 – 14.15 | World Café Session II
14.15 – 14.45 | Wrap-up | Closing Session |
Day 2 | Tuesday, 26 October 2021 (Time zone: CET)
10.00 – 10.30 |
Introduction & Interactive Reflection on Aspects of Participation & Digitalisation |
10.30 – 11.00 |
Panel Discussion: A macro-regional vision on digitalisation that puts people at the centre
11.00 – 11.30 | Discussion with the participants
11.30 – 12.00 |
Closing Session Closing Ceremony: Handing over the bell to our Ukrainian Partners with Igor Studennikov, Centre for Regional Studies |
Please register at the following link: 8th Danube Participation Day — Danube Participation Day
In June 2020, the European Council endorsed the Council Conclusions on “Shaping Europe’s Digital Future” that recognised the contribution of digitalisation to economic cohesion, climate neutrality, and social inclusion. In doing so, the EU member states supported a vision of a “European society powered by digital solutions that are strongly rooted in common values, and that enrich the lives of all of us”1. Furthermore, the European Union is already cooperating for a digital future with the accession countries through the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans and the EU Neighbourhood countries within the framework of the Association Agreements.
In the revised Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the European Commission and the partner countries of the Danube Region marked digitalisation as cross-sectoral priority. This also impacts the capability to ensure meaningful eParticipation in a more digital environment of decision making.
Against the background of the high expectations of digitalisation as booster for a sustainable, innovative and prosperous future, this year’s Danube Participation Day aims at exploring the following questions:
– What are the preconditions for a citizens-centred digitalisation and why does it matter?
– How do procedures of digital decision-making and digital service provision need to look like in order to serve people’s needs?
– Is there a macro-regional eParticipation and how can the Strategy contribute to raise eParticipation in the region?
– Which skills do civil society and public authorities need to engage in a citizens-centred digital transition?
The Danube Participation Day will provide the opportunity to discuss digital transformation on governance and participation in the Danube Region: What are the potentials and challenges of the digital transition? How do we need to re-design public services? What can we learn from current eGovernance initiatives and smart concepts? How can deliberative processes and meaningful participation of civil society look like in a digital arena? What could be the role of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region support participation in digital decision-making procedures?
1 European Commission (2020): Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, Manuscript, February 2020.
EUSDR Priority Area 10 | Contact information
Danube Civil Society Forum | Contact form
URL: https://dcsf.danubestrategy.eu/what-we-do/danube-participation-days