The European Commission recently released its 9th Cohesion Report on March 27th this year, which the EU’s state of cohesion. Rooted in principles of solidarity and equal opportunities, the EU has long aimed to reduce regional disparities.
The report underscores the success of Cohesion Policy, particularly evident post the 2004 enlargement. Central and Eastern European countries have experienced significant economic convergence, with income per capita rising from 52% to nearly 80% of the EU average. Similarly, unemployment rates have dropped significantly, showcasing the policy’s positive impact on growth and prosperity.
Despite progress, challenges persist, notably stemming from the 2009 recession. While GDP has rebounded post-pandemic, the pace of economic convergence has slowed. Demographic shifts, digitalisation, and climate change further exacerbate regional disparities, especially in rural and less developed regions.
Cohesion Policy remains pivotal in promoting economic, social, and territorial cohesion. Substantial investments, nearly 13% of total government investment in the EU from 2014-2020, have supported key policy priorities, ranging from innovation to disaster protection. However, pockets of poverty and untapped potential remain, necessitating continued attention and investment.
Economic cohesion, enshrined in the Treaty of Rome since 1957, remains crucial amidst evolving challenges. By leveraging Cohesion Policy effectively, the EU can address disparities and work towards a more inclusive and resilient future.
The 9th Cohesion Report highlights both progress and challenges in achieving cohesion within the EU. Despite successes, persistent disparities and emerging challenges underscore the need for continued commitment to Cohesion Policy. By prioritising economic, social, and territorial cohesion, the EU can strive towards a more prosperous future for all its citizens and regions.
We recommend you have a look at the report here, as it also encompassed specific assessment in areas of importance to Priority Area 10, namely, such as regional innovation and the digital transition, as well as good governance. More detailed information about Priority Area 10 targets and actions can be found here.