Rivers and their surrounding regions have in recent years increasingly become popular and sustainable tourism destinations. They are places of encounter, places to slow down, special worlds of experience, and indeed part of a new lifestyle.
This trend is reflected along the Danube. For the Danube is more than merely a waterway, it is captivating, exhilarating, and impressive as no other river in Europe. No other river region or destination can boast such a remarkable combination of cultural, traditional, historical, ethnic, and natural diversity as the Danube.
That is why at this year’s Danube Shipping and Tourism Conference we shall highlight our traditional spirit of cooperation, openness to the new and the challenges it brings.
With the slogan “Belgrade—Tradition with a Vision” the event is intended not only to serve as a compass for the region, but also to position the Danube internationally as a source of vitality on water and land. We also aim to maximize our profiling opportunities with the resources and diversity at our disposal.
It is in this spirit then that we wish you a pleasant stay in Belgrade and Serbia, informative lectures and discussions, and productive networking in the interest of the continued success of our Danube in future. Please register for the conference under: http://www.donautourismus.eu/registration.php