Logo of the Danube Strategic Project FundThe Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF) was launched to support the implementation of transnational strategic projects. In doing so, the DSPF funded projects addressing the objectives of the Danube Strategy (EUSDR) and encouraged project promoters to create benefits at the interfaces between EU Cohesion and Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy.


Likewise, the Danube Strategic Project Fund focused on elaborating on innovative, but yet pre-mature project ideas that could not be funded so far. Moreover, the Danube Strategic Project Fund provided support for project ideas that meet the needs defined by the stakeholders in the Danube Region, but do not fit int any EU programmes or might need a combination of several funding instruments.


Eventually, the Danube Strategic Project Fund did not only support projects with strategic relevance for the Danube Strategy, but also provides valuable insights on how to set up a small-scale funding scheme to support both strategic project development and small project implementation.


The Danube Strategic Project Fund was co-financed with funds provided to the European Commission by the European Parliament and the City of Vienna and was managed by Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” (City of Vienna) in close cooperation with EuroVienna, affiliated entity to the City of Vienna.


Criteria for DSPF projects

  • Strategic impact, especially in view of Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies
  • Connections and/or spill-over effects in the territory covered by the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region
  • Include neighboring countries
  • Include cross-cutting and/or horizontal measures covering several Priority Areas of the Strategy
  • Follow a multi-level governance approach
  • Support the establishment of economic and social cooperation
  • Foster integration and reconciliation of Danube countries, with a particular focus on the training of young people

DSPF in numbers

DSPF projects
The DSPF supported twelve projects addressing 9 different Priority Areas of the Danube Strategy
Countries took the lead in DSPF Projects
The Lead Partners in the DSPF projects came from Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Romania.
Organisations participated in the projects
The project partners came from academia, associations & social partners, SMEs and public authorities.

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DSPF Networking

DSPF Networking Event

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DSPF Factbook

DSPF Factbook

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