The countries in the Danube Region have been making great efforts in developing land register and cadastre over the last years but a total coverage has not been reached yet. Efficient land register and cadastre structures are the key for legal security and prevention of corruption. Albeit the legal framework is different in each country, they can still be compared. For example, in some countries administration is centralized while in others it is handled by regional bodies. However in all countries land register and cadastre is already documented electronically.
PAC 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region has started different activities to support and strengthen the capacities of land register and cadastre systems in the concerned countries with the support of the KDZ – Centre for Public Administration Research.
20-21st of November 2017 | Bucharest (RO)
The overall aim of the workshop was to provide expertise and knowledge exchange on the workshop topics to get an overview on the EU data protection directive and its impact on open data government with special focus on land register and cadastre in the Danube Region. In total 28 experts and representatives from the local, regional and national level of Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia dealing with land register, cadastre and/or open data and data protection participated in the workshop.
12-13rd of June 2017 | Belgrade (RS)
Experts and representatives from the local, regional and national level of Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Austria discussed not only recent developments of land register and cadastre structures in the Danube Region but also open data issues and its contribution and relevance for land information systems. The seminar was financed by the Capa City Programme of the City of Vienna and implemented with the support of the KDZ – Centre for Public Administration Research as well as of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia (SCTM).
19th of October 2016 | Vienna (AT)
The aim of the workshop was to provide transparency on land register and cadastre in the Danube region; initiate a network in the field, test possible cooperation and development potential. The outcome of the meeting has been an overview on land register and cadastre (basic concept, definitions, components of the system) and land register and cadastre in the countries of the Danube Region (comparison of land register systems).
Photo credit:
CapaCity Belgrad 1: EuroCommPR Auslandsbüro der Stadt Wien in Belgrad
Grundbuch Katasterworkshop Belgrade: Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia