Seed Money Facility Info Session – Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation”

Plant growing in coins glass jar for money against green grass

The Danube Region Programme will launch a Seed Money Facility on 27 November 2023. The facility will support project promoters to develop strategic projects for each Priority Area of the EU Danube Strategy.

Are you working in the field of administrative capacity building? Do you consider to set up a project to improve cross-border service provision? Are you interested in developing methods for civil society involvement in local communities in the Danube Region? Or do you work on smart urban or rural areas?

Join our online Seed Money Facility Info Session for Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” on Wednesday, 6 December 2023.

What will we discuss?

  • What is the Seed Money Facility of the Danube Region Programme?
  • What is the benefit for stakeholders to apply for the Seed Money Facility?
  • Which topics can I address under Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation”?
  • What kind of strategic projects can I develop with the Seed Money Facility ?
  • Where do I get further guidance on the application and implementation of a Seed Money Facility project?

Who can join?

We welcome all interested stakeholders from public authorities, civil society organisations, academia, and business located in one of the 14 countries* of the Danube Region.

How can I join?

Registration & accessing the info session:

The info session is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Please register until 5 December at:

All registered participants will receive the meeting link (Microsoft Teams) to access the info session.



EUSDR Priority Area 10: Targets & Actions

Article: Monitoring Committee approves 2nd Call for Proposals and Seed Money Facility; Danube Region Programme


Photocredits: Freepik/Master1305a


Draft Agenda

9.45-10.00  CET Arrival of Participants
10.00-.10.15 CET Welcome & Introduction for the Info Session
10.15-10.45 CET

What is the Seed Money Facility managed by the Danube Region Programme?

· What kind of initiatives does the Seed Money Facility support?

· For which initiatives the Seed Money Facility can be useful?

· Who can apply?

· What are the general requirements to apply for the Seed Money Facility?

Q&A with participants

10.45-11.15 CET

Strategic projects covered under Priority Area “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” – Which topics are covered?

· Which topics can be addressed under Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” of the EU Danube Strategy?

· How can I make sure that my project idea is in line with Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation”?

Q&A with participants

11.15-11.45 CET

Concrete examples on how the Seed Money Facility can be used for strategic project development

· What are concrete examples of Priority Area 10 for strategic project development under the Seed Money Facility?

Q&A with participants

11.45-11.55 CET

Where can I get further details on the application process & implementation?

· What kind of support for (potential) applicants does the Danube Region Programme provide?

· What other support for (potential) applicants does Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” provide?

11.55-12.00 CET Closing the Session


Technical requirements:

  • Computer with camera and microphone or laptop or smartphone
  • Internet/Wi-fi connection



Dec 06 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


QR Code