The [download-attachment id=”3119″ title=”Action Plan”] of the EU Danube Strategy defines actions for 12 different thematic Priority Areas. Each Priority Area aims at facilitating activities that contribute to those actions in order to improve the quality of life for people living in the Danube Region.
Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” addresses the following actions:
TARGET 1.1: Building capacities for efficient, effective and transparent public administration through e-Government/digitalisation of public services.
TARGET 1.2: Developing policy guidance for co-designing policies at all levels in the Danube Region.
TARGET 2: Establishing structures to contribute to the facilitation of cross-border capacity building and cooperation through facilities such as cooperation platforms, knowledge transfer, and project development for cross-border public services.
TARGET 3: Building capacities on funding possibilities at international, EU, national, regional, and local level and transnational project implementation through regular consultation formats (in synergy with the EuroAccess MacroRegion initiative).
TARGET 4: Continue and strengthen the exchange between the EUSDR and funding instruments in the Danube Region on transnational/macro-regional cooperation through network meetings at least once a year.
TARGET 5: Developing at least one innovative funding instrument with a particular focus on needs of local actors and civil society.
TARGET 6: Encouraging all EUSDR partner countries to involve national, regional and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations and further relevant stakeholders in the communication and implementation of the EUSDR through implementing national/regional Participation Days.
TARGET 7.1: Supporting the empowerment of young people for participation in the development of the Danube Region through strategic guidance and the implementation of macro-regional networks.
TARGET 7.2: Building capacities on participatory governance and involvement of civil society and local actors in cooperation with the Danube Local Actors Platform, the Danube Civil Society Forum, and/or further experts and stakeholders.
TARGET 8.1: Implementing a Network “Empowerment Roma” together with Priority Area 9 (through at least one stakeholder meeting per year)
TARGET 8.2: Implementing a Network on “Fighting Trafficking in Human Beings” together with Priority Area 11 (through at least one stakeholder meeting per year)
(last changed: 20/07/2022)