The border closings due to the current coronavirus pandemic interrupt or dramatically affect the daily lives of millions of citizens in Europe. In doing so, these restrictions not only challenge
Local and regional responses to COVID-19
City and municipal administrations are closest to citizens. Hence, their services and activities are an essential part of crisis response. Currently, we observe the tremendous territorial impact of the COVID-19
Revised EUSDR Action Plan is published
In 2010/2011, the European Council launched the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Ten years after, the European Commission published a revised Action Plan. Preceding the publication, the EUSDR Presidency
DG Regio supports citizens involvement with two Pilot Actions
The Partnership Principle is one of the key principles in EU Cohesion Policy. It encourages all EU member states to involve stakeholders at all stages of implementing Cohesion Policy funding.
NALAS published finance indicators of local governments in SEE
How much revenues do local governments in South-East Europe get? How do local governments spend their money? Is this money coming from taxes or grants? These basic questions are referring
Managing functional urban areas in a multi-level governance system
Spatial planning requires good coordination between policy sectors and administrative levels. However, the level of formalisation of coordination in spatial planning varies widley. Particularly, in the Danube Region, many cities
Guiding municipalities towards sound public management
Local public administrations across all countries and regions face complex environments. These environments demand high levels of capacity and knowledge in public institutions. On the one hand, politicians and public